Google uses a web crawler called Googlebot to gather the necessary data and construct a web index that can be searched.

Googlebot has news, images, and video-specific crawlers in addition to desktop and mobile crawlers.Each crawler is identified by a distinct string of text known as a “user agent,” and Google uses multiple crawlers for various tasks.

Googlebot sees websites in the same way that users would in the most recent Chrome browser because it is evergreen.Numerous machines host Googlebot.

On websites, they decide how quickly and what to crawl. However, in order to avoid overwhelming websites, they will slow down their crawling.

Let’s take a look at how they created an internet index.How Googlebot crawls and indexes the web It goes over this once more and looks for new links or changes to the page. In Google’s index, the content of the rendered pages is stored and searchable.

It returns any newly discovered links to the URL bucket for crawling.How to control Googlebot Google provides a few options for controlling what is crawled and indexed.

How to control what is crawled Robots.txt:

You can control what is crawled with this file on your website.A link attribute or meta robots tag called “nofollow” indicates that a link should not be followed. It may be ignored because it is only a hint.

Change your crawl rate: You can slow down Google’s crawling with this tool in Google Search Console.Control over indexing: Delete your content: If you delete a page, there is nothing for the index to look at.

The drawback of this is that nobody else can get to it either.

Restrict access to the content. Since Google does not sign in to websites, it will be unable to view the content if it is protected with a password or authenticated in some other way.

Noindex: In the meta robots tag, type “noindex” to tell search engines not to index your page.

URL removal tool: The name of this Google tool is a little misleading because it hides the content for a while. This content will still be seen and crawled by Google, but the pages will not be listed in search results.

Robots.txt (only images): If you prevent Googlebot from crawling your images, they won’t be indexed.Is it the genuine Googlebot?

Some malicious bots and SEO tools will pretend to be Googlebot. They might be able to access blocked websites thanks to this.In the past, Googlebot verification required performing a DNS lookup.

However, Google recently made it even simpler by providing a list of public IPs that you can use to confirm that the requests are coming from Google. This can be compared to the information in the server logs.

A “Crawl stats” report is also available in Google Search Console. The report gives you a lot of information about how Google is crawling your website by going to Settings > Crawl Stats. You are able to see which Googlebot is accessing which files and when.

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