An HTML attribute called the meta description is used to explain what a page is about. To provide additional context, it can be included in the title tag of the search results as a snippet.

How to write a meta description:

To quickly and easily create your meta descriptions, follow these five steps:

Expand on your title tag, match the intent of the search, use active voice, and be brief. Use the meta description.

1. Extend your title tag’s scope

Always consider the description as a complement to the title tag. A page’s title should include a few key words that best describe the subject.

A chance to elaborate further on that is provided by the meta description.Do not be concerned about inserting keywords here. It’s more important to make something that people will want to read and click on.

Where appropriate, make use of your unique selling points..

2. Match search intent

The “why” of a query is called search intent. To put it another way, when searching for your primary keyword, what are the majority of people looking for?

Do they require details?

Do they intend to make a purchase?

Are they trying to find a particular website? Are they looking for a quick response to a question?

The search results can serve as a proxy for this. Look for patterns in the snippets of top-ranking pages because Google tries to give users the most relevant results.

3. By addressing the searcher directly, active voice increases clarity and encourages clicks.

Naturally, writing meta descriptions in an active voice is not always a good idea. Just one example: descriptions resembling definitions However, passive voice tends to be more of an exception than a rule.

4. Be brief.

Storytelling is not appropriate for meta descriptions. Every word matters because descriptions truncate after a certain length and users quickly decide what to click on by skimming the results.

That length is currently 920px (160 characters) on a desktop computer and 680px (120 characters) on a mobile device.

Utilizing an integrated WordPress SEO plugin like Yoast is your best bet for keeping them to a reasonable length.

Depending on your audience, you should optimize for desktop or mobile users. If you usually write descriptions that are longer for desktop users, make sure to get to the point within a quarter of the description so that even mobile users can see it.

What can we learn from this? Be brief for clients, not web indexes. The limit on words is a good indication that there might be words that aren’t needed.

5. Install the meta description if you’re using a content management system (CMS).

In the backend, you can type or paste your meta description in Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and most others.

Yoast and RankMath are WordPress plugins that provide the same functionality.Simply paste the meta description tag into your HTML code’s “<head>” section if you don’t use a content management system (CMS).

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